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Archangel Gabriel Word for America

I) > Terry Bennett who I know only from you tube video ministry claims the Arc Angel Gabriel visited him for 4 days from Dec 10-14th in 2001, and personally I believe him.
>It seems the only good report I have found of this is from Stan Johnson from the Prophesy club but Terry signed off on it and says it is accurate so I will provide a link for that 2014/2015 video.
>Terry said Gabriel visited him for 4 days and laid out God's plan for America for 2008-2015/2015-2021/2021-2028 for a Set of 3/ 7 year Time Frame Prophetic Decrees of what would happen.
>Each Period would have a predominant issue for that 7 year time frame, but there would be elements of each crossing over to the other time frames as in certain types of kinds of troubles bleeding over into the other time frames.

>2008-2015 Economic Trouble/ Monetary Sorrows
>2015-2021 Monetary Power and Military Power of USA Greatly Diminished/Monetary Problems cause weakness in Military
Government Changes A Transitional Time Frame
>2021-2028 Time of Dramatic Changes In Governments Around The World > Political Turmoil & Wars
Terry says Gabriel said Civil War Then Invasion
This will greatly diminish the spirit of anti Christ to take hold of this nation.

Dinar Preacher says " I propose we are in it's grip now big time but it will be released or loosened and America will be allowed by God to be Judged and Protected at the same time. Meaning during this 2022 to 2028 Time period.
Note also I have said Great changes are coming and China and Russia just signed a mutual pact of protection this past week along with certain Arab Nations.

II) Back to Terry Bennet and Gabriel showing him The Word Vision.
Terry said If we pray all of this would be turned to a blessing of the King to keep us from the domain of the Anti Christ.
>2021-2028 He continues The revelation of the Time Frame of 7 years to be:
>A Time of Change in Our Government.
>A Time of Anarchy and Chaos
Note Stan of the Prophecy club who is relaying Terry's Visitation says that Anarchy and Chaos will come out of the GCR/Dinar Harvest that we are looking for. He is wrong about his date prediction of 2014-2015 as was I back then but listen to his recording knowing he and I and many were thinking 2014 to 2015 especially was the Big Window of GCR and did not happen.
Thank God this did not happen as we are not ready as the Bride but we are now so says Dinar Preacher and all you who write to me bearing witness in the Spirit.
> Terry Bennett goes on to say Gabriel showed him:
>For a while we will have a fractional Government @ The State Level as States will be ruling.
>Meaning States will Govern because of the Military stepping in to seize control of our Federal Government.
>A Military Coup to help Our Nation

Note Dinar Preacher who is being called to Scribe this out in writing makes notes as The Spirit is leading him now so this writing is like the Indian Face on the Buffalo Nickle, meaning 3 different Indian mens faces were used to draw out an image of that one Indian mans face you see on the 1930s Buffalo Nickle and the Silver Dollar in the same image you can buy today, this is a 3 fold cord writing to help you see I have preached the same words except 1 thing. I said we would be judged by civil war and invasion and it was not yet time for 666 mark of the beast anti christ system but keep reading as Terry claims Gabriel spoke it is indeed that time for it to arise. I am willing to be wrong and change my view if Terry heard from Gabriel directly proving me wrong.

Let us continue with Terry Bennett and Gabriel Revelations

>2021-2028 Lawlessness & Chaos & Civil Unrest
>Gabriel said to Terry/ When the checks from the Government stop coming to the needy the chaos will ensue.
Stan Johnson comments at that part that The GCR/Dinar Harvest will be our blessing but hardship on others and this is exactly what I have been preaching as I preached the Gospel of Jesus and trying to promote the Dinar since 2011 as an ark of safety to many deaf ears.

>Transitional Sign Posts of 2014-2015 bleed over to 2021-2028
>Greece is going to want another Alexander the Great
>Italy is going to want another Emperor or Ceasar
>Spain is going to want a King and Queen
>France is going to want another Napolean
>Satan will offer all of these in 1 person via the Anti Christ
>Through Chaos they will gain control

> Note from Stan Morals and Dogma Albert Pike has double headed Pheonix and message Order out of Chaos
>Note from The Dinar Preacher Donald Trump fought in court for 4 years against the Masonic Lodge in Scotland to win his Heraldry Crest with Double Headed Eagle and 3 stripes. If those stripes stand for 33rd degree mason then we must pray hard for Donald to repent and get deliverance from that demonic organization as at the 33rd degree they reveal who god is as lucifer.
>Remember what the Dinar Preacher said I love Trump and believe he will come back to help believers but long term he might be used to ,set up Jerusalem for the man of sin who will claim to be god and demand worship and enforce the mark of the beast.
Church pray for Trump to be born again and saved.

III) Terry Bennett and Gabriel Visitation Continued 2021-2028 Time Frame
>Chaos will begin in Economic area and proceed into Governmental Area
>Governmental changes all over the world especially Europe
>The Rise of the One World Religion & The Governmental Troubles are preparation of The Rising of The Anti-Christ The False Prophet, and One World Religion System.
>Judaism, Christianity, Islam/ All Forming A New 1 World Religion A Compromise
(Side note from Dinar Preacher Kenneth Copeland and Arnott's and many evangelicals went to join the Pope system just these past few years setting it up, it is all in place wake up my people.)
>Terry said Gabriel showed him that:
This 1 World Religion will be presented as a Belief System to Bring Peace but in Reality It Is A Compromise To Turn The World Away from Jesus Christ to the Instead of Christ false messiah that the jews are calling their Chosen One.
>Some good would come from all of this as the spirit of antichrist coming out of Europe would make a grab for this nation America.
>Will be a change in US Currency
>A Different Currency will come out, at least 1 and we The USA in the USD will no longer be the World Reserve Currency.

IV) Terry said Gabriel showed him:
>Anyone who does not conform to this 1 World All Inclusive Religion (False Religion)
will be considered A Terrorist and A Threat to World Peace.
>As it goes forward This New System Will Lead to Murder of Believers IN Jesus who oppose this False Evil System.
>It will be promoted that this Governmental Leader is God but in Reality is a false god, An Impostor.
>He said many catholics rebel against the Pope and be murdered and protestants also will be murdered who resist this system of control.
>Millions Murdered
>Resistor Nations
>Anti Christ will never fully be accepted

*Dinar Preacher claims The King of Kings told him that 55 Nations will belong to God The Father and the Captain of the Host Armies of Heaven Jesus Christ during that time.

Terry Bennet went on to say Gabriel showed him:
>Ireland and Scottland will never bow down to Anti Christ
>You will see 666 in Economics and Governments and Religion.
>The Fall of America would happen on or about 2021
(*Dinar Preacher comment (Could Covid19 and VAX be the beginning of that fall Terry was shown by Gabriel? Think White Horse emblem water mark on 25,000 Dinar Note and Revelation Chapter 6 which says The Rider on the White Horse was released coming conquering and to conquer, but he had no arrows with his bow, which I said on my platform that is Economic warfare which is always done on each nation USA and IMF crushes and takes over.)

Terry Bennet signed off on Stans outline but this outline is My Scribes version of Stans Report on you tube and Everyone should storm Terry for a Personal You tube preaching of this or a book, if it is out there I have had a hard time finding it. I find him in 100s of Preaching Jesus videos but nothing but Stan's work relaying the most important work he has done in my opinion.

V) Conclusion

> Terry Bennetts Final words Stan Recorded:

2022-2028 Is The Rise of One World Religion

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