October 30th at 4.44 Am 2011 I had a Dream that changed my life. In the dream I was driving a 1971 Blue and White Chevy Pickup. My daughter was 12 Years old at the time and she was 12 in the dream and was sitting in the passengers seat as I drove the pickup truck. I pulled over on the side of the road and told her she had to drive the truck as I needed to put these very valuable red and white notes into small medical gauze pillow cases. I saw the Iraqi Dinar 25,000 Currency Note but only the back side of it with Arabic Writing and did not see the side that said Central Bank of Iraq 25,000 in English. I did not really know it was money or currency from Iraq, I just knew it was very valuable and important for my life and needed to store those notes of great value into the medical gauze pillow cases that resembled the face masks people wore for Covid 19 as far as material used, but the pillow case was perfect in size to hold all the dinar I was putting in it which was just a few million dinar so maybe 80 or 100 notes. When I had very precisely and carefully placed all the notes in order facing the same direction without bending or creasing them. I closed the pillow case, stored it away in a leather case and told my daughter to pull over and let me drive the truck. As the dream ended I heard a very powerful voice say to me. Kevin, DINAR DINAR GET INTO THE DINAR. It was such a powerful voice of Authority that it WOKE ME UP. I sat up fully awake in bed knowing that the word of the Lord just came to me that would fulfill a Promise he made to me in 2003/2004 and in 2006. Three times the Lord spoke to me that millions of dollars would come to me in order to fulfill my Divine Destiny of helping a few hundred people survive hard times and the storms of the future as well as to win the end time harvest and store up as
Josephs to provide for many....
Note: Medical Gauze is symbolic for Healing God's people, and Pillow Case is symbolic for comforting God's People!!!
People are still wearing those stupid masks and was a sign of future timing yet to come which is now.....
P.S After 3 years of very hard and deep research and much much prayers I had an encounter with the Lord at Blue Springs Lake that should be taken to heart to confirm this Revelatory Dream, I was out at Blue Springs Lake in Blue Springs Missouri sitting in my Jeep looking out at the lake and some wooded areas. I saw a vision play out before me. I saw a set of wooden poles and a power line strung between them. Then I saw 2 big fat owls and I heard the Lord say, "What do you see son?" I said to the Lord that I saw 2 Big Fat owls on a power line. Then the Lord said, "Now what do you see" I then saw 1 Fat owl marked Federal Reserve Bank on his chest and the other marked US Treasury on his chest. Then I saw the big fat owl marked US Treasury lean over and slurp up the owl marked Federal Reserve Bank into his Belly and he became even fatter. As I prayed there I knew that the Fed would be merged into the UST one day in the future and I told a few dozen people but no one understood me. In 2019 by Executive Order of Trump that Event did happen. Then that same day that I saw that prophetic vision in 2014 of the Big Fat owls I got out of my Jeep and took a Fire Prayer Walk with my hiking staff, where I seek the Lord on my walks and usually get some fire.
I was crying out to God to understand the timing and magnitude of the Iraqi Dinar Dreams and visions I had been having.
I said to the Lord.... Lord it seems to me that The 249 Billion Barrels of Oil in Iraq is being Sold on a Futures Contract, as The CBI Central Bank of Iraq is selling 164 Million Dollars a Day of Iraqi Dinar via a Currency Auction to 26 Banks for distribution to Countries and speculators in America, Britain, and Israel. I said it seems to me that they are selling all that oil on a Futures Contract via a debt swap Currency Window as 164 Million dollars a day is 164 Billion Iraqi Dinar per day. AT that moment I felt the Electrical Power and Energy of God surround me and I heard The Lord say as if it was an audible voice from behind me;
"Son, Flesh and Blood has not Revealed This to You but Your Father Who Art in Heaven."