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Vision of Separation

Vision for the Dinarian's
Are you into the Dinar because God showed you to get into the Dinar by Faith? Were you led and educated by Him to overcome All Voices of Doubt, Unbelief, and the Nagging Nay Sayers funded by Zoro Soros. The Negative Agents of Mind Control coerced many to not get in and others who were in to get out of the Elijah Field of Multiplication as It Is a Scam rang in their ears with out faith and fortitude so as to forge forward by faith in Me. I AM about to Pop Corn for My People out of Iowa The Hawkeye State, A Field of Dreams shall Harvest, my corn shall pop and those who have been trained to play hardball will see the Old Ones come down to help Win the Harvest. It Will Be The Contention to Divide and Separate. I must separate the sheep from the goats yes, But I must Separate The Sheep Who have been trained to give ear to me and have suffered to remain in Me and Obey, from those who have hardened their hearts and stiffened their necks, putting self and mammon and their own agenda's upon the Throne of Their Hearts so as to choke off My Spirit. My Spirit cannot and will not inhabit such a heart fully. I will spew those out of my mouth until they repent and get right with me. There will be a clear clarion distinction made between those abiding in the Vine and having suffered and yet kept the faith and not been offended at me knowing though I slay them yet will they praise me. For I am good and they know my goodness in the midst of the furnace of affliction will yield and wield a weapon useful to the masters Kingdom for rooting out and tearing down enemy strongholds so I can also call forth healing as deliverance precedes healing and my Spirit will be upon those I am promoting in this hour glass of time as it is spilling forth in an accelerated fashion and cannot be slowed down now. One cannot enter into my Glory and Receive the Mantle for which my Spirit can begin flowing from, unless you have been purged of self and pride and all manner of ego. These fleshly sins are akin to witch craft as they who go their own way in rebellion not listening and not seeking to obey, stamping my name on their rebellion will be put to an abrupt end, and as those who are offended at my Azan those who give ear and heart to obey so they will be dead set against me as they oppose my anointed ones. An assault on the King's men and women will be an assault on the King Himself. It will not be pretty and this civil war will start in the Church and those in rebellion will stir up those who do not even believe in God in order to persecute the ones who are pleasing to me.. For if I gave my Powers of the Age to come to the prideful rebellious ones who claim my name but are far from me, then they would become like Nero, thinking they were god and not needing to be in subjection to my dictates which would destroy them. These type of sheep are dangerous and prolific All Over The World Leading Ministries Now, Leading fellowship's and having large numbers of followers on F>B and You Tube and leading Large Congregations. Only about 10% of Leadership will be able to Clothe themselves with the Mantles I am about to Release, For they the 90% will run from the Seraphim.

I AM about to Release The Seraph's. The Seraphim are coming.
The Seraphim are Coming.

The Fire they Breathe upon my people will set men and women and children free.
They will breathe fire upon My People and Heal and Deliver those whose hearts are right, but those whom desire to be rulers and resist my circumcisions and refuse my corrections and those who refuse to decrease and humble themselves, they will Not be able to stand the Fire. They will run from the Fire and I will expose them. Those who do not want the Truth will follow those False Flag Leaders OUT of My Holy Presence as I will manifest myself in Meetings that will cause this Division. They will set up Their Camps and begin to Bash My People. Accusing them of operating in Witchcraft and Necromancy. A Great Divide is Coming in the Church, A Great Civil War in Christianity. The ones who say they love Jesus but whose hearts have never loved me, but they have loved to Use My Name in order to garner wealth and fame for themselves. Those Prosperity Pork Chop Preachers like King Saul will be tormented and in their Torment will become one with Universalism and The Popes Idolatry. A Catholic Universalism mated with Hindu's and Muslim's and Jews who reject Jesus as Judge and Savior and The Only Way and The Truth. A New World Order Religion will offer them a home and they will gravitate towards being tolerant of all belief's being valid and Homosexuals will be welcomed as brothers in the Universal Faith of Yah. They will slap my name upon it and yet persecute Those who hold to the Covenant of The Truth and the Narrow Way of Jesus Christ. I Have Spoken!!!!!!!

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